Adage 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches (121.92cm x 91.44cm)
Minim 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches (121.92 cm x 91.44 cm)
Haste 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches (121.92 x 91.44cm)
Bellator 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches (121.92 cm x 91.44 cm)
Grand Prix 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches (121.92cm x 91.44cm)
Perfectus Feminea portrays women who strive for perfection at the exact moment of becoming aware that they will never be able to reach that ever-expanding goal. They recognize there is no perfection, and that imperfection is more captivating than the cultural model of the “Superwoman”.